Illegal forest land encroachment and illegal logging have occurred in project area.  Furthermore, there have been illegal forest land claimed by outsiders, unclear boundary, lack of legal support to land owners to secure their land, and conflicts that arise over forest land claim among farmers and authority.  These issues have led to uncontrolled forest destruction and biodiversity loss.

is working with partners, local authorities, communities and relevant provincial departments to enhance forest land security and better agricultural and forest land tenure rights.

1. Support activities to demarcate and register a permanent forest estate;
2. Legalize community forest area and support scaling up forest areas to be managed by the community and strengthen its management; and
3. Support the development of commune land use planning and implementation including registration of agricultural land inholding.

Legal agreements to manage and sustain the local forest were given to 14 community forestry groups that covers an area of 67,791 hectare.  Our Team is working closely with local authorities and relevant provincial departments to facilitate the development of commune land use planning (CLUP), to demarcate permanent Forest estate, and to delineate and record 399 agriculture plot inholdings.