To enforce Forest Law and conserve the remaining forests, the PMU facilitated forest patrolling in the project site from October to December 2019. The Field Implementation Unit members have been collaborating with the local FA officers to patrol forests in the project site. As a result, 7 chainsaws, 2.405 m3 of sawn wood and 11 planks of logged woods were confiscated in October; while 10,142 cashew seedlings were removed from the Prey Khum Sochet CF in November. In December, the law enforcement team impounded 1 chainsaw, 12 snares and removed 8 illegal shelters and 280 cashew seedlings from Prey Khum Sochet CF. In total, 101 patrols were conducted from October to December 2019.
Regarding community forest patrol teams, the CF management committees (CFMCs) of the 14 CF groups conducted 85 patrols, with participation from 586 members (31 women). Consequently, CFMCs seized 09 chainsaws, 05 water-buffalo carts, 01 motorbike, 12 pieces of sawn wood, 02 handed-tractors and removed 12 illegal shelters from the CF land.
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