The annual meeting of Agrcultural Cooperatives (ACs) was held in the Kompong Thom’s Provincial Hall on 21 January 2020 with 171 participants. The meeting was presided by H.E Prim Rotha, Deputy Governor of Kompong Thom province. The objectives of the meeting were to 1) present the 2019 outcomes, 2. exchange the experience of good practices, challenges and issues in 2019 from each AC and 3) define an activity plan for the ACs across the province. A key diccussion in the meeting was to link crop products to the market with a suitable price as well as to orient ACs members which have contracts with companies to not breach the contract. There are 65 ACs in Kompong Thom, 2 of which are supported by the Tumring REDD+ Project; these are, Samarki Mean Rith AC and Tumring AC. The Samarki Mean Rith AC has 82 members while Tumring AC has 24 members. The major crop that they produce are cassava, cashew and rubber.
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