From July to September 2019, a number of activities were conducted to prepare for the Tumring REDD+ project verification. Firstly, the Forestry Administration (FA) collaborated with the Wildlife Works Carbon (WWC) and the Korea Forest Service (KFS) to review 6 proposals submitted from potential verifiers. Based on the reviews from FA, KFS and WWC, S&A Carbon was selected as the verifier. A contract was signed between FA and S&A Carbon. Secondly, a Project Monitoring Report containing a set of data since the project started in 2015 was prepared and submitted to Validation/Verification Body (VVB).
Thirdly, a pre-testing project verification was successfully conducted with the support from Dr. Simon Bird from WWC, who helped to strengthen technical staff on Standard Operation Procedures for biomass and leakage plots verification. Dr. Bird also helped to verify the community indicators and observe deforestation status in the project area. Finally, the Project Management Unit (PMU) conducted awareness raising with the public, in particular with communities within the project area on the verification process. PMU also started public commenting period via its official Facebook page (គម្
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