First Monitoring Report
Cambodia-Korea Joint REDD+ Project (Tumring REDD+ Project - TRP) - Key millstones achieved from Jan 2015 – Dec 2019 Importance of the Project Area Protecting 67,791 hectares of high conservation value tropical forests Supporting to about 250,000 indigenous peoples and local communities both directly and indirectly. Villagers participated in [...]
Monthly Meetings with CF Management Committees across 14 CFs
The PMU members conducted visits to 14 CFs located in the Project area from April to June 2020. The purpose of their visits was to meet with the 14 CF Management Committees (CFMCs) to follow up on implementation of the project activities, patrolling issues, as well as challenges related [...]
Tumring REDD+ Project Migration from Markit to Verra Registry
The PMU has worked and processed necessary documents required by Verra to migrate Tumring REDD+ Project from Markit Registry to a new Verra Registry ( The Project’s verification report was reviewed and checked by PMU and Wildlife Works Carbon (WWC). The S&A, an independent verifier, sent the verification report [...]
Consultation Meeting with Kampong Thom’s Department of Environment
A meeting was organized to enhance effective collaboration of Tumring REDD+ Project and the Department of Environment’s rangers in conserving forests and biodiversity in the project area. The Director of the Environment Department was informed of the overlapping forest patrol areas between FIU, CF patrol teams and the Department’s [...]
Latest Management of Microfinance Grant Supported by Tumring REDD+ Project
In June, the Project Management Unit conducted a meeting with community-based micro finance in Kbal Dauntey CF, participated by 12 members (05 women). In June 2020, this saving group has offered loans to 09 farmers. The loans received – with lower interest rate compared to local banks and private [...]
Forest Law Enforcement Activities Conducted in the Project Area
To enforce Forest Law and conserve the remaining forests, the Project Management Unit (PMU) coordinated forest patrols in the Project site from April to June 2020. The Field Implementation Unit (FIU) members have been collaborating with the local FA officers to patrol forests in the Project site. In total, [...]